The landscape in Pikhakendonk largely consists of meadows scattered in a dense network of old hawthorn hedges and some forest patches. Pikhakendonk is internationally recognized for its population of Large pimpernel (Sanguisorba officinalis). Because of its overall high nature values, the region is designated as NATURA 2000 area (BE2300044). Pikhakendonk contains multiple small ponds, of which several have been recently created as part of a translocation project of Crested newt (Triturus cristatus).
This pondscape is a NATURA 2000 area. The landscape consists largely of meadows scattered in a dense network of old hawthorn hedges and some forest patches. It contains multiple small ponds, of which several have been recently created as part of a translocation project of Crested newt.
The nature conservation NGO ‘Natuurpunt’ currently manages 74 ha of land for purposes of biodiversity conservation, of which 60 ha are formally designated as nature reserve. The management is directed towards biodiversity conservation in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats, and strongly relies on a local team of volunteers, assisted by professional Natuurpunt employees. Agreements with local farmers are used for mowing vegetation and extensive grazing by cattle.
Management actions involve :
- Fencing a subset of ponds to prevent cattle access
- Pond restoration by deepening existing ponds to increase hydroperiod length (2022) and by dredging and reprofiling shores to enhance habitat suitability for aquatic communities.
- Profiling and dividing previously larger pond and ditch into several small ponds
- Pond creation to enhance habitat connectivity for amphibian populations
- Threatened species translocation (Crested newt)
- Grassland management and periodic cutting back of hedges.
- Maintenance of trails for walking, biking and hiking
- Creation and maintenance of information boards
- - Biodiversity enhancement
- - Human health
- Increase Biodiversity
- Increase well-being
- Provision of health benefits
In 2016, an existing population of Crested newt from a close by location (15 km away) was translocated to the pondscape on demand of the Flemish government in close collaboration with ANB (Agency for Nature and Forests) and INBO (Research Institute for Nature and Forest). In addition, 3205 juveniles bred in captivity were released by INBO in the pondscape over multiple subsequent years (2017-2020). The translocation seems to be successful, as the newly established population seems to reproduce successfully in multiple ponds in the pondscape.
Designating the area as NATURA 2000 and formally designating it as nature reserve facilitates continuous funding and the longterm protection of biodiversity in the region.
It is a good example for the translocation of Crested newt to other pondscapes that include suitable habitats that are highly isolated, preventing natural colonization to occur.
PONDERFUL has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 869296
- Biodiversity
Further information
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 13. Climate Action
- 14. Life Below Water