URBiNAT and CES Thematic Line “Urban Cultures, Sociabilities and Participation” are organizing a webinar dedicated to the theme “Participative governance approach for urban regeneration”.
Within the process of co-creating nature-based solutions (NbS), URBiNAT established Living Labs bringing together key actors for co-producing urban regeneration.
This webinar aims to discuss, debate and unpack the complexity of the municipal decision-making process. Most importantly, speakers will address their perspectives on the civic, political, administrative and technical aspects that hamper or support the advancement of stronger and more sustainable innovations.
It brings together the main actors involved in this complexity: a citizen representative, a political representative, a technical decision-maker, and a researcher – with the goal to
- establish a dialogue through multiple-lenses on obstacles and opportunities in participatory regeneration processes
- share and outline possible benefits of co-decision in urban governance;
- discuss the possibilities of pioneering participatory processes in the context of municipal governance.