• Dataset
  • Document

Europe’s Natural Treasures – an illustrated ecosystem services map

Europe is full of natural treasures that provide endless inspiration, excitement, and enjoyment as well as supporting much of our economy. These benefits we get from nature sometimes referred to as ecosystem services, that are provided by Europe's natural capital. This map provides a rich


  • Dataset

ALARM - Assessing large scale risks for biodiversity with tested methods

Based on a better understanding of terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem functioning ALARM will develop and test methods and protocols for the assessment of large-scale environmental risks in order to minimise negative direct and indirect human impacts.


  • Product

En-Crops Blumenschön

EN-CROPS Blumenschoen (Liquid), the liquid version of En-Crops products adds important NUTRIENTS, GEO MINERALS AND PLANT EXTRACTS to the soil and to living organisms in the soil. En-Crops Blumenschoen (Liquid) is mixed with water and applied through existing watering systems.


  • Dataset
  • Document

Protected Planet

The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is a joint project between the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), managed by UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC).The dataset described here shows the global


  • Policy Brief

Using nature based solutions to foster synergies between biodiversity and climate: Missed chances and new opportunities for a sustainable future

This paper assesses how EU policies and investments have spurred the uptake of nature-based solutions to support biodiversity and ecosystem health. It outlines remaining gaps and opportunities on how to best scale up efforts to meet the current EU policy framework’s 2030 objectives. It provides


  • Report

Biodiversity, natural capital and the economy

Nature underpins all economic activities and human well-being. It is the world’s most important asset. Yet humanity is destroying biodiversity at an unprecedented rate, posing significant but often overlooked risks to the economy, the financial sector and the well-being of current and future


  • Paper

State of the Art and Latest Advances in Exploring Business Models for Nature-Based Solutions

Nature-based solutions (NbS) offer multiple solutions to urban challenges simultaneously, but realising funding for NbS remains a challenge. When the concept of NbS for societal challenges was first defined by the EC in 2017, financing was recognised as one of the major challenges to its


  • Report

NbS Financing in Front Runner Cities

Connecting Nature aims to support cities in securing financing to support the large-scale implementation of nature-based solutions. Within a relatively short period of three years, Connecting Nature has had a major impact in raising the knowledge and awareness of partner cities about alternative


  • Document

ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Zöldinfrastruktúra-hálózat fejlesztés

A Földművelésügyi Minisztérium megbízásából készült 2 kötetes, részletes összefoglaló a zöldinfrastruktúráról. A szöveg rámutat, hogy a zöldinfrastruktúra fogalma nem egységes, intézményenként, szabályozó szervenként, országonként eltér. Az anyag tematikusan részletezi a vonatkozó nemzetközi és


  • Document

NetworkNature Factsheet 3: Shifting the water paradigm - managing water through nature

This Factsheet explores common water-related challenges, such as water availability, quality, and management, their associated risks, and relevant policies, while proposing nature-based solutions as a paradigm shift. By outlining key benefits of using nature for an integrated and ecosystem-based


  • Consultancy
  • Guidance
  • Training

Participatory scenario development and planning

Participatory scenarios development and planning In the recently published IPBES assessment on scenarios and models, the uses of scenarios for biodiversity and ecosystem services where summarized. They serve for awareness raising and agenda setting, and assist in policy and more broadly


  • Document
  • Product
  • Report

Words into Action: Nature-based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction

In this document by UNDRR, Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are considered capable to address the growing challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, increased frequency of extreme weather and natural hazards as well as other human-made environmental disasters. The UNDRR developed this 'Words


  • Dataset
  • Document

Quantifying the effects of different management scenarios on ecosystem services and livelihoods in San Martín, Peru

Peru is the second-largest country in Latin America in terms of forest area, and hosts ecosystems of high biodiversity value, large protected areas, ever-changing landscape mosaics with dynamic ecosystem transitions, and many indigenous communities and cultures. Although it is considered a country


  • Document


This statement represents the first-ever, globally representative and collectively crafted position from young people on “Nature-based Solutions”. We are addressing decision-makers and key stakeholders, to present our own views, priorities, and demands from the NbS conversation which,


  • Guidance
  • Software

UGI Monitoring Toolkit

Toolkit for monitoring urban green infrastructure projects.


  • Video

Az esővízhasznosítás és szürkevíz újrahasznosítás lehetőségei a klímaváltozás hatásainak csökkentésében

A klímaváltozás okozta hidrogeológiai kockázatok miatt az európai városok egyre gyakrabban szembesülnek a kapcsolódó problémákkal, akár hirtelen áradások vagy éppen a vízhiány képében. A Körforgásos Városi Vízgazdálkodás projekt (CWC) célja hogy segítse a városokat az elavult városi infrastruktúra


  • Event
  • Software

Swiss Biodiversity Forum

The Swiss Biodiversity Forum is the scientific competence centre for biodiversity in Switzerland. It aims at supporting the research of biodiversity and facilitates the co-operation of scientists and policy-makers in the administration department, in politics, economy and society.


  • Document
  • Paper
  • Report

Natural Climate Solutions Handbook

The Nature Conservancy and partners have conducted a range of Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) analyses accross the globe over the last five years. In this guide they outline basic parameters for getting started with an NCS assessment, flag key decision points, and explain the factors to consider


  • Document
  • Guidance

OpenNESS Synthesis paper: Link between biodiversity and ecosystem services

As was stated in the OpenNESS proposal, the quantitative relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services is still poorly understood. It is still unclear under what circumstances an emphasis on ecosystem services in planning and decision making is (conceptually and


  • Report

Restoring nature can remove huge amounts of EU emissions

Restoring degraded terrestrial habitats across the EU could take up to 300 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent out of the atmosphere each year – as much as the combined annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, new research reveals. The findings show the huge
