News articles

Oppla rocket launch graphic

Welcome to the new Oppla!

20 September 2016

It’s here. The first full version of the Oppla platform has now been launched.

New features

Browse the Oppla Marketplace: a ‘knowledge supermarket’ where you can obtain guidance, software, data and other useful resources - as well as promote the outputs of your own project or network....


EKLIPSE Project Calls

16 August 2016

The EKLIPSE project has announced three open calls. Oppla members are invited to respond.

First EKLIPSE Call for Requests to identify topics or evidence needs relating to biodiversity and ecosystem services requiring in-depth analysis and a consolidated view from science and other knowledge...

Oppla marketplace icon

Oppla Marketplace now open!

26 July 2016

Does your organisation have any software, data, documents, guidance, training or consultancy services that you would like to make available to the Oppla community?

If so, you can now share your outputs in the Oppla Marketplace: an easy-to-use hub of information, services and resources...

Tractor at sunset

Urban green infrastructure

Paul Mahony presents Oppla

Oppla meets key user groups

1 December 2015

Oppla recently engaged stakeholders from the private sector, govement and non-govemental organisations to get feedback and inputs on the platform. The workshop was organised by the OPERAs project and took place at Edinburgh University on the 25-26 November 2015. The stakeholders reviewed key...

Ask Oppla infographic: Ask a question, get help from experts

Ask Oppla is now live!

17 November 2015

Ask Oppla is a 'crowd-sourced' enquiry service. It aims to help answer questions about ecosystem services and natural capital by drawing upon the knowledge of the Oppla community. It's primarily designed to assist people who are new to the concepts of ecosystem services and natural capital, but...

EU flags in Brussels

Policy Day Event - Ask Oppla

17 November 2015

OpenNESS and OPERAs are hosting a Policy Day at the European Parliament in Brussels, March 2016. The event will seek to answer some of the most important policy questions relating to ecosystem services and natural capital, put forward by policymakers themselves.

In preparation for the...

OpenNESS SME Event

OpenNESS SME Event

28 October 2015
Scotland House, Brussels

Thanks to everyone who attended the recent SME workshop in Brussels! We received inspirational presentations from guest speakers Sirpa Pietikäinen MEP, European Parliament Rapporteur for the Circular Economy; Kurt Vandenberghe, Director Climate Action and Resource...