The Natural Capital Coalition recently launched The Natural Capital Checker (NatCap Checker).
The NatCap Checker provides practitioners with a self-assessment tool that enables them to assess, communicate and improve the level of confidence in their natural capital assessments. It helps organisations to evaluate how credible and fit for purpose their assessments are, and therefore the level of confidence that stakeholders can place in the process, results and ultimately the decisions taken based on a natural capital assessment.
During a one-hour webinar Rosie Dunscombe, Natural Capital Coalition Technical Director, will present the NatCap Checker and facilitate an expert panel discussion between some of its co-developers and a piloting business. Together they will explore why we need it, what it is, how it works and what next?
The panel includes:
Ian Dickie - Director, eftec
Tom Beagent - Director, Total Impact Measurement & Management, PwC
Matt Watkins - Manager, Redefining Value, WBCSD
Hannah James, Lead Sustainability Advisor, Yorkshire Water
All participants must register in advance to receive dial in details. Registration is now open.