What can we do to ensure that the environmental dimension of the SDGs is not getting lost in the indicators? The IAEG proposed indicators in December 2015 were worrying, and those proposed in February 2016 seem even worse. To continue business as usual 'silo' approach, after the SDGs, would be huge missed opportunity. If we really want to change the world and make sure we go in the right direction we need a complete package of mandatory, harmonized and comparable indicators... Is anyone taking care of this on EU level?
Your call for an integrated approach to measure progress to achieve the SDGs is just. I am less pessimistic though. Bringing different development goals in one framework is a first, important step. Even integration among the different goals will require 'vertical' expertise and input.
At EU level, I see a lot of commitment, even at the highest policy level, to include the SDGs into the EU legislative framework and in future strategies (with a 2030 horizon). That would be a second step.
The Joint Research Centre has recently created an internal working group to streamline the indicator work at EU scale. Real integration of environment and biodiversity into other development areas is also expected from the Commission's program on nature based solutions. This is heavily supported by IUCN.
I do hope so, you could follow your favourite SDG ? Just to ensure
Re -use will be the hub of the issue as to establish som common ground (denominators) to monitor progress but I am a not entirely sure EU interoperable standards will do as proxies for all albeit the better the sets are and verifiable the better and the EU does after all have some experience in such processes and ultimately I hope will contribute to good operative indicators
this weeks session point of departure was http://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom/47th-session/documents/2016-2-IAEG-SD... and some tendencies to disagree but still
Outcome of my 'pet goal targets and indicators' was not entirely in vain
The last metadata is here : http://unstats.un.org/sdgs/iaeg-sdgs/metadata-compilation