Restoring ecosystems and their functions

Urban Public Space Refurbishment, Szeged City

  • Mitigate heat-island effect thanks to the use of NbS
  • Priorities pedestrian approach along the very busy street of Kölcsey and at the Reök Palace Square

Szeged is a mid-size historic city in the south of Hungary, the temperature is usually higher than in other similar-sized cities in the country. The goal of this project was to reduce the effects of the urban heat island in a very busy street with a lot of cars and shops. The idea was to increase the green area, plant trees, creating a more pleasant space for the pedestrians. The...

Urban Regeneration in the District of Ferencvaros (Budapest)

Közösségi Park - Google Maps
  • Complex development of a run-down part of the district (Refurbishment/ urban renewal)

The target area is located in the heart of Budapest. This pioneer project was realized before urban planners would have recognized the importance of urban green spaces. At the same time this project brought measurable market benefits (appreciation of occupied property), also helped to create a neighbourhood community. The project was a succesful tool in mitigating the negative effects of urban heat island, and summer air temperatures significantly decreased.


ECO-Park development (Balaton lake) of Balatonfűzfő city

Eco-Park of Balatonfűzfő
  • Development of an ecological park at the lake Balaton

The plans of the municipality and the local civic organzation were to develop a pleasant, ecological park filled with different kind of leisure activities from the neglected gulf.

The objective is a comprehensive reconstruction of the area in Balatonfűzfő, from Fövenyfürdő Beach to Tobruki Beach is enabling the semi-natural utilization of the area near the city and near the lake. This project has two phases:

  1. The first phase a semi-natural promenade with special playground was created
  2. ...

Urban Natural Park, Based on Natural, Historical and Cultural Heritage Promotion and Eco-Citizenship

Strasbourg municipality
  • Creation of an urban natural park as a metropolitan governance tool
  • Encourage sustainable territorial development based on natural, historical and cultural heritage promotion, and eco-citizenship
  • Deliver sustainable solutions at a large scale to maximize benefits for society and the environment

The action encourages sustainable territorial development based on natural, historical and cultural heritage promotion and eco-citizenship. The governance is based on a charter included in the Local Urbanism Plan...

"Séqué" Eco-District Building (Bayone City)

"Séqué" Eco-District - Architect view
  • Construction of an eco-district with ecological networks and biodiversity as starting point

Design and construction of an eco-district with the ecological networks and biodiversity as starting point. The implementation of this project is based on environmental approach to urban planning. The district is an environmentally-friendly project and favors collective housing to preserve green areas.

This NbS is also combined with other environmental friendly solutions: Bio-sourced materials - Renewable energy system (solar panels, etc.).

Quay Garden Project - Habitats for Local Species on a City Center River

Quay Gardens - Habitats for local species
  • Implementation of vegetated rafts as habitats for local species on a city center river
  • Using Bio-sourced materials

It aims to implement artificial shelters for fauna (nesting box, insect hotels, artificial spawning areas…) and vegetation supports were installed. Wooden terraces were also installed to allow citizens to enjoy and observe biodiversity. This project is both thought for biodiversity and for citizens and finaly allow cohabitation between them.

Bézannes Joint Development Zone (Reed Bed Park), Storm-water Management Solution

Entrance of the Reed bed Park (Parc de la Roselière)
  • Rainwater management of a 172ha area in response to a waterproofing construction

This NbS is a construction ex nihilo of a landscaped park as alternative stormwater management solution to a traditionnal civil engineering management (tubes). It takes place in a 172ha area in the city of Bézannes (Reims Métropole). This project has been implemented in response to the waterproofing of this area (strong urbanisation level).

The project is caracterized by an artificial river leading to a permanent lagoon and a reed bed. Then a wetland manage the water...
