Increase achievements of biodiversity targets

Farfalle in ToUr

The project promotes urban butterflies conservation, thanks to the involvement of fragile people as citizen scientists. It aims to create and connect Butterfly oasis, to allow butterflies to cross the city; and to involve people with mental or physical disabilities, to fight the social stigma

Shanxi Qixian Wetland Park Restoration Project -Experience- AFD financed

Project introduction:

The Changyuanhe river is in Qixian, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, in North and Middle China and become the main axis of the project, both by its cultural and ecological important for the country. In the past, there were large areas of marsh wetlands along the river, which can regulate and enrich the ecological diversity with good water power. Today the contrast between the upstream natural area (which is still well preserved) and the downstream area (which is dry for four months of the year) is astonished. The project aims to afforest the 30km river...

Mirafiori Sud Living Lab

The project ProGIreg is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme and will run from June 2018 until 2023. ProGIreg stands for ‘productive Green Infrastructure for post-industrial urban regeneration’: nature for renewal. ProGIreg develops self-sustaining business models for nature-based solutions, based on a scientific assessment of the multiple benefits they provide for social, ecological and economic regeneration.Together, local citizens, governments, businesses, NGOs and universities design the nature-based solutions and make them happen.

Integrated green grey infrastructure (IGGI) - Green screen guard rail.

Air quality in urban areas is a known issue for health and quality of life. Motorised vehicles produce a range of pollutants that can affect human health. These include very small particles emitted from exhaust (especially from diesel-fuelled vehicles), and from wear-and-tear on brakes and tyres. If inhaled these particles can cause a range of both short-term and more chronic health problems, including increased chances of death from respiratory and cardiovascular disease. This Particulate Matter (PM) is measured in microns (one micron is one millionth of a metre). Health concerns start...

Fernbrae Meadows Urban Park

Green Infrastructure Strategic Intervention: Fernbrae Meadows

The land was in a vacant and derelict state and safety concerns were raised due to vandalisation, fly tipping, vehicle abandonment and fires. The conversion of the site into a new urban park presented an opportunity to address the anti-social behaviour and make the site a desirable area for positive activities and community development. South Lanarkshire Council provided the match funding for the project and applied for funding from the Green Infrastructure Strategic Intervention (GISI), which was granted in 2017. A ‘friends of’...

Urban Natural Park, Based on Natural, Historical and Cultural Heritage Promotion and Eco-Citizenship

Strasbourg municipality
  • Creation of an urban natural park as a metropolitan governance tool
  • Encourage sustainable territorial development based on natural, historical and cultural heritage promotion, and eco-citizenship
  • Deliver sustainable solutions at a large scale to maximize benefits for society and the environment

The action encourages sustainable territorial development based on natural, historical and cultural heritage promotion and eco-citizenship. The governance is based on a charter included in the Local Urbanism Plan...

"Séqué" Eco-District Building (Bayone City)

"Séqué" Eco-District - Architect view
  • Construction of an eco-district with ecological networks and biodiversity as starting point

Design and construction of an eco-district with the ecological networks and biodiversity as starting point. The implementation of this project is based on environmental approach to urban planning. The district is an environmentally-friendly project and favors collective housing to preserve green areas.

This NbS is also combined with other environmental friendly solutions: Bio-sourced materials - Renewable energy system (solar panels, etc.).
