Increase achievements of biodiversity targets

Ökológiai szemléletű zöldfelület-fenntartás a fővárosi Pünkösdfürdő Parkban

© Ferenc Albert Szigeti

A fővárosi zöldinfrastruktúra fejlesztését és fenntartását meghatározó Radó Dezső Terv kiemelt prioritása a klímaadaptáció erősítése és a biodiverzitás növelése, mindezt a Fővárosi Önkormányzat a lakossággal szoros partnerségben kívánja elérni. A biológiai sokféleséget, a klímaadaptációt és a környezeti nevelést egyaránt támogató, magyarországi mércével mindenképpen mérföldkőnek számító, de európai viszonylatban is innovatív megoldásai miatt magas szakmai elismerésben részesült Pünkösdfürdő Park tájépítészeti üzenete és célja az, hogy a hagyományos agrár tájhasználatot becsempéssze a...

H2020 PONDERFUL: Restauration of natural hydrological functioning through drainage removal

Prat de Rosers

Restauration of natural hydrological functioning through drainage removal

For centuries, inhabitants have built drainage systems to avoid water retention in the Albera pondscape. This has led to the disappearance of many ponds and the reduction of the length of time that the ponds are flooded. The aim of this NBS was to reverse this situation by restoring the natural functioning of Prat de Rosers pond.

In 2015, a project financed by the Andrena Foundation and developed by Gutina Cellar, IAEDEN, Geoserveis and UVic-UCC, made it possible to locate and block an...

The CLEVER Way: Hamburg, Neugraben-Fischbek

The CLEVER Cities project identified the primary planning goals for Neugraben-Fischbek district located in the South-West of the city of Hamburg was to: (a) creating a connective ‘Green Corridor’ to link a system of NbS interventions; (b) establishing horizontal greenery through the construction of green roofs on existing buildings; and (c) address the topic of environmental education and connect the youth with nature. 

Hamburg has aimed at addressing the following challenges, including:

  • Increase biodiversity and nature in the city: To address this, the city

  • ...

NBSEduworld NbS Case Study: Vigie-Nature École – citizen science programme on biodiversity and associated actions

Vigie-Nature École is a biodiversity monitoring program focused on multiple groups of organisms. The primary goals of this data collection is to provide data to researchers in urban ecology and provide education to children in all the subjects related to biodiversity that we can cover. Our last development focuses on actions that pupils or children can take in order to improve both biodiversity and well-being within the schools.

NBSEduworld Case Study: Transitioning away from industrial peat extraction and moving towards Nature Based Solutions of rehabilitation

Local mini-workshop in Offaly_NBSEduworld

To raise awareness of NbS and the importance of NbS going forward to achieve a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, environmentally sustainable and climate neutral economy.  Explore synergies between educational professionals, NbS practitioners, communities and policymakers.

NBSEduworld Case Study: ReDuna Project – Ecological restoration of sand dunes at São João da Caparica and Cova do Vapor beaches

Almada municipality:Ecological restoration of a coastal sand dunes ecosystem

The ReDuna project aims to restore the natural capacity of the Almada sand dune ecosystem to healthily respond to natural drivers, enhancing its resilience to sea level rise and storms, and providing an excellent teaching tool to demonstrate, in a practical way, the benefits of nature-based solutions to both residents and visitors of this beach area.

Triple infiltration basin and greenery regeneration in the square of Oblęgorska / Widok Street in Łódź (Poland)

The final look of the ATENAS square. 

An implementation focused on combining blue and green infrastructure, with predominant use of native species and minimizing maintenance effort.

Key aims:

  • demonstrate the integration of blue solutions into green design;
  • create a pilot implementation of the infiltration basin as an example of best practice and a source of know-how;
  • build the trust in NbS;
  • initiate the restoration of water cycle in the Łódka River catchment.

    To Ally Technology, Nature and Society for integrated urban water management: ATENAS

    ATENAS project logo

    AteNas is built around  3 demonstration sites, covering urban and periurban zones of Łódź, Lyon and Vantaa/Helsinki and sharing the challenge of enabling water to citizens and nature, both in terms of quality and quantity.

    Utilize of cities water resources to secure regulating ecosystem services, enable Nature-Based Solutions, and enhance adaptive capacity to global changes.

    Firth of Forth: restoring a stream and its floodplain

    Introducing woody debris into the Forth river

    This case study aims at a comprehensive restoration of a river and its adajcents land, including developing sustainable businesses, tourism and transport whilst not increasing carbon emissions or negatively impacting on biodiversity of the area.  River connectivity and water quality are to be improved for migratory fish (eel and Atlantic salmon) and to reduce flood risk in downstream urban areas  Additionally, upland raised bog habitats (peatlands) shall be restored.

    This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological...

    Restoring the Zwalm catchment in Belgium

    Zwalm river in Belgium (photo: Marie Anne Forio, Ghent University)

    After degradation of the river due to straightening, bank enforcements, navigational use and intensive agricultural land use along its banks, the Zwalm river basin is now to be restored at several sites. The case study aims at restoring the river to a healthy and functioning ecosystem while still allowing navigational use. A focus is on habitat restoration (spawning beds, buffer strips) and passability for fish.

    This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape...
