NetworkNature EU Green Week Event 2021 Presentations & Recording
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), as part of the Network Nature H2020 project, hosted a virtual European Green Week partner event on May 31st 2021, titled “Joining forces for health and nature recovery”. Find the session’s presentations from Celine Charveriat and Matthias
URBAN GreenUP Nature-based solution selection tool
This tool is a decision support tool – it’s designed to give suggestions that may help you choose the right Nature-based solution (NbS) for you, based on both your city’s capabilities, and the outcomes you’d like to achieve. It can also be helpful in figuring out how to build your capacity to
Penta-helix Stakeholder Management
Discussion tool to map stakeholder interests and explore ways of negotiating social complexity.
Connecting Nature Framework report: MUNICIPALITY OF PAVLOS MELAS
The flagship nature-based solution of Pavlos Melas municipality is the creation of Pavlos Melas Metropolitan Park on a former military camp (about 33 hectares) located in the dense urban fabric. Due to its metropolitan character and its large scale, the regeneration project has the potential to
Climate crisis, cities, and health
More than ever, the climate crisis is becoming a health crisis. An estimated 5 million people globally die each year because of suboptimal temperatures,1 with a large proportion of heat-related mortality (37%) attributable to human-induced climate change.2 Cities have an important role in climate
Impact Assessment Guidebook
This Guidebook presents the Connecting Nature Impact Assessment Framework. This Framework is aimed at supporting cities in developing and successfully implementing robust monitoring and evaluation plans that can deliver systematic and comparable evidence as to NbS effectiveness. This framework
GoGreenRoutes: Outline of the project presentation
Learn all about GoGreenRoutes in this introductory project presentation. Publication Date: 29 Jul 2021 Author(s): Maynooth University and ICLEI Europe
NATURE-BASED PLAY Fostering connections for children’s wellbeing and climate resilience
The Nature-based Play publication explores the important relationship between play, nature and climate resilience, considering the perspectives of leading urban development, early childhood, play and nature-based solutions experts. This is followed by case studies from cities around the world that
OpenNESS Synthesis paper: Classification of ecosystem services
OpenNESS provides the opportunity to test and refine the classification so that it can be used more generally as we move towards operationalisation. In general terms some standardisation of definitions and terminology would be helpful so that cross-comparisons of ecosystem outputs would be possible
The Urban Butterfly Effect
"The Urban Butterfly Effect” a policy brief with recommendations for national governments to accelerate urban efforts to help them achieve the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) 2030 Action Targets. This policy brief is a response to the call from the Plan of Action on Subnational Governments
Design Brief 3- Biodiversity-positive Design in Urban Areas with NbS: Mobility Network, Green associated with Buildings, Vacant Plots, Brownfields
This NetworkNature design brief series, the first of its kind, comprises three design briefs on biodiversity-positive design recommendations for urban and peri-urban areas with nature-based solutions. The series, developed with support of IFLA Europe, presents simple design suggestions for
Clima East
Clima East is a European Union funded project package assisting the Eastern Neighbourhood Partnership Countries and Russia in approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Why is Nature Restoration Critical for Marine Areas?
The EU Commission published its proposal for a new Nature Restoration Regulation in June 2022. In this context, Ecologic Institute and IEEP – as part of the Think Sustainable Europe network – published a series of thematic policy briefs to inform Members of the European Parliament and other
Method Factsheet - Production Function Approach
The production function approach (PFA) can be used in situations where a marketed good or service is produced with both man-made and ecosystem inputs. The PFA is a method designed to value indirect use values. It is highly appropriate for capturing ecological and monetary values, as well as
INTERLACE report on implemented engagement programmes
The INTERLACE project has been proactive in targeting citizens as part of its objective to increase public awareness and understanding of urban ecosystem restoration and the importance of nature in cities more generally. This objective has been delivered via a Citizen Engagement Programme, which
A new evaluation framework for nature-based solutions (NbS) projects based on the application of performance questions and indicators approach
One of the key features of nature-based solutions (NBSs) is their high effectiveness and economic and resource efficiency in solving problems compared to traditional grey interventions. These aspects, however, have so far attracted little attention in the literature but should be considered, as the
Blueprint for Innovation in Urban Forestry
Blueprint for Innovation in Urban Forestry: a review of urban forestry’s potential for a healthier and more sustainable future Urbanisation is a global trend: according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), today 55.5% of the world’s population lives in urban
UNDRR Website: Nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction
UNDRR developed the website Words into Action: Nature-based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction that offers practical, expert-informed guidance on setting up and implementing nature-based solutions, for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation. Explore the website with reports
Biodiversity Quality Calculator - Measuring Impacts on Biodiversity
The Biodiversity Quality Calculator is an online tool currently in development. It aims to provide comprehensive and robust biodiversity indices, including biomass, species rarity and population evenness. We are currently developing an online tool which allows data to be uploaded to the platform,
VÍZGAZDÁLKODÁS: Innovatív vízgazdálkodási megoldások gyűjteménye
Az Innovatív vízgazdálkodási megoldások gyűjteménye olyan fejlesztések, termékek, szolgáltatások adatait gyűjti össze, amelyek ökoszisztéma alapú segítséget nyújthatnak az éghajlatváltozás hatására megjelent térségi és települési vizekhez kapcsolódó problémák kezeléséhez és megoldásához. A
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