Increase population & infrastructures protected by NBS

The CLEVER Way: Hamburg, Neugraben-Fischbek

The CLEVER Cities project identified the primary planning goals for Neugraben-Fischbek district located in the South-West of the city of Hamburg was to: (a) creating a connective ‘Green Corridor’ to link a system of NbS interventions; (b) establishing horizontal greenery through the construction of green roofs on existing buildings; and (c) address the topic of environmental education and connect the youth with nature. 

Hamburg has aimed at addressing the following challenges, including:

  • Increase biodiversity and nature in the city: To address this, the city

  • ...

Szántóföldi agrárerdészet

Az Ökoház Farm 2015-ben fogott bele látványos eredményeket hozó agrárerdészeti projektjébe, amelynek keretében az ipari és energetikai célú császárfa ültetvényt fás sávos köztesműveléssel társították, és fokhagymát termesztettek a fák árnyékában. 

A gazdálkodók az interneten történő kutatással, majd az AGFOSY projektbe történő bekapcsolódásuk során szereztek információt az agrárerdészetben rejlő lehetőségekről. Később alapító tagjai voltak az Agroerdészeti Civil Társaságnak, amelyen keresztül kapcsolatba kerültek az Európai Agroerdészeti Szövetséggel (EURAF) és a H2020 AFINET...

Las Llamas Park, Santander: Wetlands and permeable car parks

Panoramic view of the Las Llamas Park. In the right, the east side with the Palacio de Deportes, at the left, the west side with the Arenas bridge.

The D4RUNOFF project’s goal is to create a novel framework for preventing and managing diffuse pollution from urban water runoff. This will be achieved by designing hybrid nature-based solutions (NbS) and a data-driven AI-platform to support policy and decision making.

The case studies have been identified for the implementation and validation of this approach in varying environments. The replicability of these results will then be assessed at five replication sites. The Las Llamas Park in Santander has been chosen as one of three case study sites as part of the D4RUNOFF project.

Artouste, France: Rock fall

Examples of implemented protective structures

The main problem to solve with the implemented NbS measures is to reduce rockfall on the road.

Through the H2020 project PHUSICOS wooden structures designed to prevent the release of rocks and to stop released rocks before they reach too high a velocity have been implemented. 

Triple infiltration basin and greenery regeneration in the square of Oblęgorska / Widok Street in Łódź (Poland)

The final look of the ATENAS square. 

An implementation focused on combining blue and green infrastructure, with predominant use of native species and minimizing maintenance effort.

Key aims:

  • demonstrate the integration of blue solutions into green design;
  • create a pilot implementation of the infiltration basin as an example of best practice and a source of know-how;
  • build the trust in NbS;
  • initiate the restoration of water cycle in the Łódka River catchment.

    Reducing disaster risks and preventing floods through the implementation of Nature-based Solutions in Gledić (Kraljevo), Serbia

    Degraded forest ecosystem in Gledić mountains, Kraljevo, Serbia

    The Forest Landscape Restauration (FLR) measures will be implemented on the selected site in Gledić, due to the high risks of flood and soil erosion, decrease or complete loss of biodiversity, weak forest resilience, and negative effects on the community livelihood, especially for women and vulnerable groups.

    Recommendations for an NbS pilot intervention in Elbasan Municipality, Albania, defined through the NbS Baseline Assessment of the Shkumbini River basin

    Degraded landscape in Elbasan municipality, Albania

    The Project provided recommendations for an NbS pilot intervention in Elbasan Municipality through the NbS Baseline Assignment - the process that included consultation, identification of potential sites for implementing pilot NbS measures and a multidisciplinary assessment. 

    Co-Creation of an URBiNAT Healthy Corridor for Siena

    View of ancient city of Siena from Ravacciano

    The main objective of URBiNAT in the Municipality of Siena is to identify a Healthy Corridor for the Ravacciano neighbourhood, as a way to develop the neighbourhood as well, and to make the green spaces present more viable and accessible. 

    The local diagnostic has allowed the identification of the population's greatest needs, both in terms of mobility and connection with the city's historic centre, and of access to green areas, considered as places of sociality and wellbeing.

    To this aim, within the actions foreseen by URBiNAT, the Municipality of Siena has planned to develop...
