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NATURE-IN “New Sustainable Nature-Inclusive Architectural Devices for the Transformation of our Interior Dwelling Space: through Selected Case Studies”

Website Nature-In Research Project

 As the PI of NATURE-IN, I am developing an innovative independent research project “New Sustainable Nature-Inclusive Architectural Devices for the Transformation of our Interior Dwelling Space: through Selected Case Studies”, supported by the European Commission within the programme H2020 Excellent Science- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.  This is an interdisciplinary research project that unfolds and analyses the underlying forms of knowledge behind exemplary buildings which...

To Ally Technology, Nature and Society for integrated urban water management: ATENAS

ATENAS project logo

AteNas is built around  3 demonstration sites, covering urban and periurban zones of Łódź, Lyon and Vantaa/Helsinki and sharing the challenge of enabling water to citizens and nature, both in terms of quality and quantity.

Utilize of cities water resources to secure regulating ecosystem services, enable Nature-Based Solutions, and enhance adaptive capacity to global changes.

Reducing disaster risks and preventing floods through the implementation of Nature-based Solutions in Gledić (Kraljevo), Serbia

Degraded forest ecosystem in Gledić mountains, Kraljevo, Serbia

The Forest Landscape Restauration (FLR) measures will be implemented on the selected site in Gledić, due to the high risks of flood and soil erosion, decrease or complete loss of biodiversity, weak forest resilience, and negative effects on the community livelihood, especially for women and vulnerable groups.

Recommendations for an NbS pilot intervention in Elbasan Municipality, Albania, defined through the NbS Baseline Assessment of the Shkumbini River basin

Degraded landscape in Elbasan municipality, Albania

The Project provided recommendations for an NbS pilot intervention in Elbasan Municipality through the NbS Baseline Assignment - the process that included consultation, identification of potential sites for implementing pilot NbS measures and a multidisciplinary assessment. 

Co-Creation of an URBiNAT Healthy Corridor for Siena

View of ancient city of Siena from Ravacciano

The main objective of URBiNAT in the Municipality of Siena is to identify a Healthy Corridor for the Ravacciano neighbourhood, as a way to develop the neighbourhood as well, and to make the green spaces present more viable and accessible. 

The local diagnostic has allowed the identification of the population's greatest needs, both in terms of mobility and connection with the city's historic centre, and of access to green areas, considered as places of sociality and wellbeing.

To this aim, within the actions foreseen by URBiNAT, the Municipality of Siena has planned to develop...

Co-Creation of an URBiNAT Healthy Corridor for Nadezhda, Sofia

URBiNAT Intervention Area. Nadezhda district – the Northern gateway to the capital city, has a population of 67 905, which is 5.3% of the city’s population. There are about 2113 ha urban and rural areas within the boundaries of Nadezhda district. The housing estates in Nadezhda fall within the priority areas for urban regeneration aiming at improved living conditions and better connections to the city center and the neighbouring territories, and improved condition, connectedness and accessibility of the...

The urban project of the Sofia Healthy Corridor focuses on building green connections, understandings, co-implementation and use of public spaces. The involvement of citizens in the creation of living public spaces is expected to contribute to overcoming urban fragmentation by removing physical and symbolic barriers to their use, protection of the environment and maintenance of inter-block spaces.

The Healthy Corridor in Sofia is a “green connection” designed as a pedestrian path in the public urban space, that connects the neighborhoods between themselves and the surrounding urban...

Co-Creation of an URBiNAT Healthy Corridor for Campaña, Porto

URBiNAT intervention areas. In Porto city, Campanhã parish was identified as one of the priority areas for urban regeneration aiming at a more sustainable improvement of local living conditions. This area faces severe socio-economic challenges territorial aggravated by isolation, due to lack of accessibility, safety, feeling of security and poor overall conditions of the urban space.

The outline of a study area was developed by the Local Taskforce of Porto, according to the previously established commitment by the municipality of Porto to develop the project URBiNAT in this area. The first criteria were to ensure the inclusion of Cerco, Falcão, Lagarteiro, and other social housing neighbourhoods nearby.

Given the intention of implementing new healthy corridors, the study area includes the most relevant strategic green spaces (Oriental Park, Corujeira Plaza, Quinta da Bonjóia, municipal nursery), services (schools, industry, health centres, local associations)...

Firth of Forth: restoring a stream and its floodplain

Introducing woody debris into the Forth river

This case study aims at a comprehensive restoration of a river and its adajcents land, including developing sustainable businesses, tourism and transport whilst not increasing carbon emissions or negatively impacting on biodiversity of the area.  River connectivity and water quality are to be improved for migratory fish (eel and Atlantic salmon) and to reduce flood risk in downstream urban areas  Additionally, upland raised bog habitats (peatlands) shall be restored.

This case study is one of 17 that are part of the EU Horizon2020 project MERLIN - Mainstreaming Ecological...
