Urban planning strategies

Grün in der Stadt (Whitepaper) - Grünbuch Stadtgrün

  • To place green space topic in urban development on political agenda;
  • Improvement of legal integration of urban green infrastructure;
  • Introduction for targeted support measures;
  • To further develop guidelines and tools;
  • To carry out Best-pratice examples;
  • General communication improvement.

The White Paper proposes recommendations for action and concrete measures for the next few years through which it will, within its areas of...

Ecological Continuities Restoration - Ecological Corridor on Existing Bridge

Grand-breuil Bridge, St Etienne Community
  • Ecological corridor

The aim of this project is to connect two areas separated by a highway by creating a
wildlife passage on an existing bridge in order to reinforce an ecological corridor. This
structure is thought to allow cohabitation between fauna and motorists.

This project is also combined with another environmetal friendly solution:

  • Bio-sourced materials

Soil quality assessment for spatial planning in urban and peri-urban areas - Provence Coal Field Case Study UQUALISOL-ZU

Methodology for taking soil into account in urban planning documents: implementation in two municipalities of the Provence mining basin

The project aims at investigating whether and how a scientific knowledge on soil quality can be integrated into urban planning so as to allow soil quality to be taken into account in all its dimensions, which has not been the case so far in France.

Its objectives are:

  1. The assessment of a legal concept of soil that would lead to integrate soils in preliminary studies and preserve economic and ecosystemic functions of soils, by choosing the best adapted uses in land use planning;
  2. The production of a scientifically-sound SQI (soil quality index)
  3. ...

"Séqué" Eco-District Building (Bayone City)

"Séqué" Eco-District - Architect view
  • Construction of an eco-district with ecological networks and biodiversity as starting point

Design and construction of an eco-district with the ecological networks and biodiversity as starting point. The implementation of this project is based on environmental approach to urban planning. The district is an environmentally-friendly project and favors collective housing to preserve green areas.

This NbS is also combined with other environmental friendly solutions: Bio-sourced materials - Renewable energy system (solar panels, etc.).

Quay Garden Project - Habitats for Local Species on a City Center River

Quay Gardens - Habitats for local species
  • Implementation of vegetated rafts as habitats for local species on a city center river
  • Using Bio-sourced materials

It aims to implement artificial shelters for fauna (nesting box, insect hotels, artificial spawning areas…) and vegetation supports were installed. Wooden terraces were also installed to allow citizens to enjoy and observe biodiversity. This project is both thought for biodiversity and for citizens and finaly allow cohabitation between them.

Application of Eco:Actuary in the Thames catchment, UK: A series of tools to operationalise strategic planning and investment for Natural Flood Management. H2020 NAIAD Project.

EcoActuary: an open-access catastrophe model capable of assessing the impact of green infrastructure on local and downstream assets at risk of flood.

Using the widely used Policy Support System tools at www.policysupport.org as a basis, we built an insurance industry-relevant policy support system called Eco:Actuary. The objective of this project is to to co-develop and test the Eco:Actuary with NAIAD project partners & stakeholders in the fluvial non-tidal Thames as a DEMO catchment in the NAIAD project. 

EcoActuary is an open-access catastrophe model capable of assessing the impact of NbS on local and downstream assets at risk of flood.  It simulates a minimum of 1200 spatial...

Green Roof in refurbished industrial building (Office building 22@)

Green roof at Office building 22@ Source: picharchitects

Rehabilitation of an existing building by adding, among other rehabilitation measures, a semi-public green space on the roof with a positive influence on the health of users, positive effects on urban climate against the heat island effect and positive effect on water by it storages in the deck space. It also improves the energy efficiency of the building by the insulation provided by the layers of green cover.